

The exhibition “A Good Yarn” opened yesterday and it’s
an amazing variety of textile art.
I wish I could show you
but I was not allowed to take photos (which makes sense).

Here are photos of my work

Protect me

Bead knitting, black cotton yarn with more than 1600 silver beads knitted in to it. Stretched over a canvas and stitched on to it with metallic seed beads.
Fluffy yarn on the sides. 45x25cm.

Side effect of the swine flu
(Pooh and Eeyore decided to have Piglet put down)

Tapestry (16.000 stitches!) with knitted frame.
My own lovely hand dyed cotton yarn. 50x40cm

(love in maori)

Knitting, once again my hand dyed yarn.
Fluffy yarn around the heart and seed beads on the inside.
Stretched over a canvas and stitched on to it with seed beads.
Fluffy yarn on the sides. 15x30cm.


  1. Helene, du är FANTASISK!!!!! Wow, I'm speachless!!!! Vilket jobb, vilken design, vilken kvinna! Önskar att jag kunde vara där och se allt detta live!

  2. Herregud vad fräcka! Vilken sanslöst härlig kombination av olika tekniker! Du är superduktig!!


  3. Tack! *rodnar klädsamt*

    Ja, det har varit otroligt kul att göra dem och det bubblar upp nya idéer hela tiden. Jobbar redan på nya projekt.

    Och tänk vad kul det hade varit om ni hade varit här och sett dem live!

  4. Kan tänka mig hur det nästan bubblar över, du är ju den mest kreativa människa jag känner!

  5. your work is amazingly good - your attention to such fin details and the colors of your own hand dyed yarn astound me
    oh, so well done

  6. Grattis på födelsedagen!
    Paket kommer... lite sen som vanligt ;)


  7. well done Helene, it looks great! I haven't had a chance to go there yet; hope to see it before it ends. your frame looks great too; poor piglet :)

  8. hahahahahaha Your messages are too fricking hilarious :D

    Must go see the exhibition! Ooo and we definitely need to catch up to plot world domination of the graffiti knitting kind!


  9. Thank you all for the lovely comments! They make me so happy and they really encourage me to continue what I'm doing. :-)

    Nikki, let's take over Auckland, stitch by stitch! Send me an email on the address in the header and we arrange for a catch up. See you soon!?

  10. you just rock, grrl!

    love the piglet one...and ids the first one a reference to that great placebo song?
